
Showing posts from January, 2019

Checkpoint 5: Blog Post #4 - Awareness & Final Reflection

During winter break it was a lot easier to maintain my goal of using public transportation because I either took the bus to my destinations or me and multiple other friends drove in the same car to the same destination so all of us wouldn't have to separately drive.  My mom was at work during the weekdays so I would have no choice than to take the bus/train or get picked up by a friend.   I walked to the store by my house instead of usually being driven and since there was no school for the two weeks I didn't need a ride around the same times during weekdays.  Educating others on lessening their environmental impact will be easier now that I know more about reducing mine. My friends around my age also take public transportation or get driven to school. I will tell them that developing a habit of using bus/train or getting picked up by others.  In this article, it provides ¨6 Factors That Influence Our Behavior¨ says Willpower, knowledge and skills, social motivatio