Blog Post 1

The first week was a challenge, 

 If you live in Seattle you know how cold it is in the morning during the month of December. 

I would usually hop in the car with the heat kicked on high but I had to walk to the bus stop while it was 32 degrees. 

conservation behavior is good for the environment because we want to obtain environmental preservation. 

A barrier for me and this new challenge of using public transportation is wanting to be comfortable in my own car rather than having to walk to the bus stop and from the bus stop to school. 

For my environmental impact to change I need to commit to not getting in the car and taking the bus everyday. To motivate myself to change and lessen my impact I will also be getting some exercise by walking those extra feet to school.

I will cut down on carbon emissions in my moms car and use public transportation more often. Over 68% of carbon emissions come from transportation (2). I use carbon emissions when my mom drives me all the way to school from home.

 I can lessen that by using the bus to go to school. This habit will help solution to the problems of sustainability because i will lessen pollution to the air. I am going to take the bus every other day to school and back this helps the environment because this source states “ bus transportation is better than car transportation is the fuel mileage: the fuel mileage per person, is fantastic, ranging just about the highest amount of passenger miles per gallon per rider, at about 200 miles per person. According to the American Bus Association and the Union of Concerned Scientists, two people traveling by bus will generate about 50% less pollution than by driving a car. (1)



  1. So did you stick to your plan or did you take public transportation? If not, what stopped you? Add more details, we want to hear how your week went!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Have you been taking the bus all the way to school, or have you taken the street car or the light rail? Those have really minimal impacts on the environment and are very ecofriendly, they're electricity dependent.


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