Blog Post #2

 Estimating Impact

         My second week using public transportation everywhere was more challenging because it has rained every day this past week from the time I leave the house until the time I am on my way back home. (1) I think I reduced my environmental impact by a lot by taking the bus everywhere. I need to continue to reduce it and just wear more rain/cold protecting jackets and clothes.
Image result for rain
I bought an umbrella for the walks to the bus stop and from the bus stop. It is more work to walk and wait for the bus but it lowers my environmental impact rather than driving to school and home.

The average passenger vehicle emits about 404 grams of CO2 per mile (2) If its 11 miles to get from where I live to downtown Seattle 4,444 grams of CO2 or (9 Pounds)
Image result for seattle metro bus
If everyone in Seattle took the bus instead of using cars to go everywhere the environment would greatly appreciate it. Perhaps less traffic, fewer car accidents and the city of Seattle would make a lot more money because obviously everyone is using public transportation. If every person in Seattle saved a gallon of gas and didn't use it Seattle would save 6300 gallons. (3) My actions will save tons of resources and one being gas from the gas station and money. Gas is expensive and my mom won't have to use a lot of hers taking me to school. Like previously stated the 11 miles traveled to school is approximately 9 pounds of carbon I could save by taking the bus.


  1. Hi Victoria
    I suggest taking about what the personal impact more on taking the bus.

  2. I LOVE your blog its really engaging!! I like how you mention a limitation you had when you did your personal impact and how you overcame the barrier. But why is CO2 bad for the environment?.


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