Blog post #3

My third-week update: the weather has been harsh in Seattle lately which means the busses always have more people on them, trying to escape the rain. Walking to the bus stop is very cold in the morning and if I don't leave the house on time I miss the bus that makes me in time for school.

If the project ended today I would continue to use public transportation but not as strictly as now.         

I tried to develop a habit of not eating any sweets and it took around a week to develop but I quit it when opportunities came up.  The idea that it takes 21 days to create a habit is crazy because I always thought it took a couple months or maybe years depending on the habit. When I was committed to not eating sugary foods I felt like it would take forever to adjust, but I ended up quitting soon.

This article makes me feel motivated to keep trying to lower my personal impact and develop good habits. If I develop a habit of using fewer carbon emissions and using the bus more than my personal impact will lessen.


  1. I like how you mentioned what your motivations are. But you should also cite in the text, heres the link that includes an example bottom: since selecting relevant resources is being assessed. Also mention what we can learn from the article and people in the world changing their habits. In your first blog post you talked about busing being hard because it rained and sometimes you forgot. You can relate it to the article and mention how a habit takes time to develop.

  2. I like how you explained why something happened inclued more evidence.

  3. I can relate to the buses in the morning are always super packed and the bus never comes. It makes me always want to drive to school but there is no parking so I have to suffer on the bus.

  4. Great work so far! Its great that you keep up with your environmental habits even if its not the ideal weather. Why don't you take some pictures of the weather outside? That would add to the struggle you have to go through.


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